Major updates: (1) HDFC billpay and SBI unipay and other apps are now failing Non BBP CC billers. Thanks
@VISHESH_BANSAL @Sriim for update. For these you can use Cred. Details here:
(2) HDFC Billpay service has changed it's MCC for some users, so avoid using that for now until things get cleared. Use Unipay instead.
*Main Post*
Most of you know the debit cards which are useful, but it’s difficult to keep track of which platforms to use, how to use because of devaluations/ limits.
I had written down current working methods for my personal use but thought of sharing with the community. Will appreciate any feedback. So here goes:
RBL signature plus dc: sbi unipay
RBL Enterprise dc: sbi unipay
HDFC PLATINUM debit card: can be used on hdfc bill pay and sbi unipay
HDFC Millennia debit card: can be used to load Amazon/Mobikwik wallets for 1%. Can use hdfc bill pay or sbi unipay for 2.5%
indus visa signature, visa platinum and mastercard world : Use paytm and Cred (Dreamplug Paytech merchant) for visa variants. Sbi unipay, HDFC Payzapp and Cheq(not working for most) for mastercard variant. They all work with SBI Unipay.
FI money ( infinity or salary variant) : pay 1.5k multiple times through cred using fi upi. Debit card works with SBI Unipay
IDFC Debit cards: Pay cc bill using sbi unipay.
Axis Liberty dc : pay cc through sbi unipay for qtly voucher. Can use upi as well anywhere; no exclusions using upi. Bonus tip: Use axis gyftr portal / amazon to buy amazon gv from Liberty dc for weekend cashback.
Citi Priority on sbi unipay
sbi physical debit card on sbi unipay
Ongoing issues 1) : Some have reported
idfc dc is blocked while account is active. You can complaint to idfc, it gets solved in 3-5 days.
Indus dc points are not regular, so will have to wait and still no guarantee that you will get the points or correct number of points.
SBI Unipay does not allow to pay SBI CC bill when you are logged in for some users. So, dont login and you will be able to pay SBI CC bill.
Alternative to SBI unipay: ‘Airtel’ (2 merchant names, both work), ‘jio finance’ app Canara bbps (also called Canara Setu) website. They only support bbps cc bill payment. These give 4900 (utility) mcc.
Estimated timelines for rewards :
Full details with calculations on rewards added here:
SBI dc rewards update from 1st May. Details here
AU bank and standard chartered bank dc: see here