All his post says is canara setu has changed MCC, but nowhere does he mention if the points are still credited or not, his twitter post only says canara not accepting debit.
You Do not even know ,Reward Structure of HDFC ESP.
It is just like You are sitting in a Resturant, Food is Served on the Table and then You are asking Resturant onwer to feed the Served Food Directly in Your mouth.
If anyone know MCC tagged by Bill Payment Platform , One Can evaluate Which Card would give Cashback on the Respective Bill payment Platform
First Go and Learn the Basics, Why are You getting 1% Cashback on HDFC ESP for CC Bill Payments
OP is updating the Post Regularly with latest changes that is more than enough.
Rest work is our to analyse the change . But your Slow Working Brain Can not even do that.
Here OP and all other Members are not there to Spoon Feed You word by Word.
The page gets updated but it's inconsistent at times. By the time it gets update, you'll. Most likely miss many things. One of the reason I made the comment, as it's really slow at updating.
Inconsistent ? Changes are Made as soon as when it is confirmed subject to OP being Active at that Time.
You Do not even know the Basics of the DC You are holding , can not identify basis MCC if the DC you are holding will give RPs/Cashback or not and Blabbering that OP is slow at Updating.
Actually You Brain is slow , that is why you do not even able to Understand Reward Structure of HDFC EASYSHOP PLATINUM DC till now and when Changes are made you expect others to spoon feed you word by word about the changes that has been made by Platforms and You do not want to Utilise your slow Brain.