You pay credit card bill on snapay and you get 1% points which you can use in Snapay.
Let's take an example(which I did) -
Pay CC bill of 1 lakh, you get 1000 coins/points
Now do utility pay and chose Same day option(max Rs. 15k). You get option to pay upto 50% of fees by using coins.
Same day charges - 3%
Pay 50% through coins, effective charges 1.5%
For 15k, net charges comes out to be around Rs. 225
Chose Pay with rewards option, you get around Rs. 103 cashback and earn 1005 Zillion points(Previous payback)
Do next transaction of Rs. 1500 using T+1 option
Charges 2.5% = Rs. 37.5
Again chose Pay with reward options, now apply cashback and redeem 1000 Zillion which is worth Rs. 250
Effectively you will pay 1184.50 (1537.5 - 250 - 103)
Total Money paid = 15224.25 + 1184.50 = Rs. 16,408.75
Total received = Rs. 16,500
So you are still in profit of around Rs. 100 here and whatever your credit card gives. So effective charges < 0%
Obviously you need to do above circus which is pretty straight forward.