I am booking a flight from Delhi to Canada (Vancouver)
Date are flexible for 45 days round trip from June to July.
Stopover should be less than 5 Hrs or direct will also work
How I can maximize it with magnus card using Travel edge.
I see the flight ticket for 1 person is
2 Lakh 18 Thousands
So for 2x = 4.36 L
I Have checked all website any recommendation for lower price and how to maximize.
If I buy using travel edge I will get 12x5 edge points for 200 spent
Date are flexible for 45 days round trip from June to July.
Stopover should be less than 5 Hrs or direct will also work
How I can maximize it with magnus card using Travel edge.
I see the flight ticket for 1 person is
2 Lakh 18 Thousands
So for 2x = 4.36 L
I Have checked all website any recommendation for lower price and how to maximize.
If I buy using travel edge I will get 12x5 edge points for 200 spent