I tried registering my cards but it didn't work. Got the same message that others got - "we are sorry, either you haven't qualified for this .....". Emailed
taptopay-offer@razorpay.com and this is the reply I got.
Thank you for reaching out to the Visa Tap to Pay Offer support team.
You have not qualified for the offer as per your card eligibility. Kindly refer to the offer details page and review the Terms and Conditions and the Frequently Asked Questions.
You can login to this website and claim your voucher 15 days after completing the required number of Tap to pay transactions on your card.
I thought if I am not qualified, why do even mention claiming voucher after 15 days?
So I wrote back
What exactly is the criteria that I don't meet? According to me, having a VISA DC/CC with "tap to pay" feature is sufficient. I have not enabled it till now on any cards. Is this the reason?
Can I enable it now and avail the offer after 1st and 4th transactions? Pls clarify.
And their answer again is almost the same
Thank you for reaching out to the Visa Tap to Pay Offer support team.
Kindly refer to the offer details page and review the Terms and Conditions and the Frequently Asked Questions.
You can login to this website and claim your voucher 15 days after completing the required number of Tap to pay transactions on your card.
What is the issue, does anybody here know? Bewildered!! This forum is better than their CS