Bank account of same name - same person - One pan card .Hi all
I am trying to invest in IPO. Since these days chances of getting allocation of lots in high demand stocks are less so I want to invest also by creating a new demat account in my mother's name and her PAN number to increase my chances for allocation of lots. Do I need to create a separate bank account number in her name to link it with the demat account and then transfer money in it? Or can I create a demat account in her name and link it with my bank's savings account?
You are investing in name of your mom in Ipo
Nobody cares . Its her account, operator doesn't matter.
No you can't use other bank account of your mother other than registered with demat . Upi id transaction will be blocked
One person is alloted one ipo meaning one pan . No matter from how many demat you applied with.
No you can't link your bank account with mother demant simply won't happen.
Yes you need to open demant on her name + account on her name . Fund that account and invest .
Not any advice but caution - if u r newbie to Market. Don't invest in ipo . you might get lucky in 1-2 but u will loose money in many .
best way to learn is invest in Index fund & mutual fund & observe the market ..
AFter 1-2 yr u will know which stock to buy .
focus on long term holding.
you can't earn too much money in short term investment its always becomes a net loss overall. There is no shortcut to high return in short term .