Hi, I called them. Here's the information.
I wanted to pre-closure and bank executive told me that someone already raised a cancellation request for your loan but it'll be completed by 24th i.e After Bill generation and I've to pay my first EMI and this request can't be stopped. He asked if the product is cancelled ? I said no he confirmed but already request is placed and don't worry pay your first EMI as scheduled on 20th and rest of your bill and on 24th the request will be completed and then you've to pay 44782 ( whole amount ) and the EMI you'll be paying will be reversed including all charges except 18% GST ( 35 rs ). Asked for confirmation and he said it's 100%
1.) Cancellation request is raised already even though call was disconnected
2,.) Had to Pay my EMI as per date
3.) EMI will be cancelled on 24th
4.) Need to pay whole amount within 24 hrs ( Will receive mail and call )
5.) EMI will be reversed including charges
Now, Does it seems genuine to you or I'll be tricked by BANK into paying emi and get it billed ?