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I recently posted a Thread
It got a world record response of 4 comments... 😁 Today I went for account opening in rural branch of my city in both icici and axis
First I visited Icici bank... My experience there...
I asked for opening of regular savings account.... Which has a MAB of 2000 only... The executive denied that such account even exist... 🙃🙃... He said that minimum account to open account in icici is 50000 deposit and 10000 MAB from april 1 which is not true....
In rural branches mostly non tech savy people go to open account and this is the way these executives are making fool of people.....I have complained regarding my experience on twitter... Lets see what response I get....
I had similar experience in sbi.. Complained on twitter... The branch manager personally called me after the complaint.. Opened my account... And even offered sweets and tea... 😋
Secondly went to axis bank nearby which was also a rural branch....usually axis is more bashed in online space than icici for their services.... But to my surprise... The executive politely listened to my request... I requested for easy access account with 2500 MAB as per rural location....
He quickly started the process... Within 20 minutes... My account was ready to go with welcome kit in my hand.... No question of why trying to open account in rural branch.... Despite Having an address of urban location of same city.........

Query regarding Experience of offline account opening in axis and icici bank
A lot of folks here might be having accounts in icici and axis bank…. My query is regarding offline account opening… Especially in rural and semi urban branch 1. For both axis and icici If you are having address of urban area of same city and tried opening account in rural or semi urban...

It got a world record response of 4 comments... 😁 Today I went for account opening in rural branch of my city in both icici and axis
First I visited Icici bank... My experience there...
I asked for opening of regular savings account.... Which has a MAB of 2000 only... The executive denied that such account even exist... 🙃🙃... He said that minimum account to open account in icici is 50000 deposit and 10000 MAB from april 1 which is not true....
In rural branches mostly non tech savy people go to open account and this is the way these executives are making fool of people.....I have complained regarding my experience on twitter... Lets see what response I get....
I had similar experience in sbi.. Complained on twitter... The branch manager personally called me after the complaint.. Opened my account... And even offered sweets and tea... 😋
Secondly went to axis bank nearby which was also a rural branch....usually axis is more bashed in online space than icici for their services.... But to my surprise... The executive politely listened to my request... I requested for easy access account with 2500 MAB as per rural location....
He quickly started the process... Within 20 minutes... My account was ready to go with welcome kit in my hand.... No question of why trying to open account in rural branch.... Despite Having an address of urban location of same city.........
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