federal never gives LTF cards, their reward system is useless, i dont think celesta comes in rupay variant, get the signet card rupay variant instead with fee 750+gst and waiver condition 75000/year
federal never gives LTF cards, their reward system is useless, i dont think celesta comes in rupay variant, get the signet card rupay variant instead with fee 750+gst and waiver condition 75000/year
federal never gives LTF cards, their reward system is useless, i dont think celesta comes in rupay variant, get the signet card rupay variant instead with fee 750+gst and waiver condition 75000/year
Not exactly - this is a forum to share ideas/knowledge which can make us more literate in terms of managing financial instruments eg - credit card
This was a plain service desk query - any individual can easily analyze the situation and understand whether the offer is legitimate or not instead of posting a generic question.