Few people buy car for passion or collection. For folks like you and many of you, buying car is an important financial decision (obviously along with love for buying new car). If salaried, what was ratio of car on road price and your net montly take home salary? Did you think you were going overbudget then? If yes, what convinced you to make that decision?
My current car, pretty cheap one, was about 4.5 times my monthly salary then.
For salaried and consumption purpose-
Car shouldn't be more than 6m net income. It should be crossed in very rare occasion. E.g. you have a big family. Having a 4 seater would be useless. So you need a physically bigger car. Or if the slightly more expensive car offers much higher value.
When the car is parked in service station and you pay insurance+ emi and still have to find alternate commute, it's brutal.
Buying on loans is fine as long as you have the savings to buy in cash. There's tax saving and if your existing investment returns more than the loan rate , loan isn't that bad. But that saving is earmarked for car payment , can't be used for consumption, may be for emergency but only partially.
Car is depreciating asset. Some might say they are buying expensive car due to aspiration, but there's a big difference in aspiration and show off.
Instead of purchase cost, we need to look at cost of ownership. Both fixed( insurance, parking,driver) & variable (maintenance, consumables, fuel, accident, break down). German/british cars expensive to maintain compared to american/korean. japanese are on a different level.
The case is even worse for superbike. Utility is lower and maintenance is much much higher than car. Part replacements are expensive and time consuming. There is reason why most superbikes are resold regularly. Cost of ownership is much higher than purchase cost when we compare to a similarly priced car. Only exception is honda. I used to keep my buddy's honda cbr 650. Upfront price is higher than bikes of same class but maintenence is low. Maintenence cost is ktm/re level. Ninja 300s is almost twice as expensive. Unless you have savings upwards of 5cr, you shouldn't even think about superbikes in india. If you live in Europe/middle east/Japan it's a different matter.
I still use my dad's 10yr old car because doesn't drive. 🤣
Op you can make it the solution if you like. 😋