Now when pts are gone let me make you know how it came and what was bug at SBI end.
Till March 31st, 2024 i.e last year SBI used to provide milestone benefit only in March of year by totalling all the txns but from new FY24-25 they started giving it in few weeks or next month. But the coding still had that complete FY points credit in the program so all received the same.
It was total of your normal points in case of PDC and Normal+Bonus in case of VDC.
If someone received 5K worth of points it means they had above 5L and below 6L txn total with PDC or half of it with VDC. Till July 2024 VDC was giving same 1X pts i.e 2 per 200. So now just check total of normal+bonus pts and you will know these milestone credited on March 1 was actually exact of it.
@6ix9ine @Centurion_wala