I think I'm stuck in the final step.. completed pan/adhar/cibil check and also just completed the video KYC. Stuck in very next step i guess.
The webpage next asked to enter bank account details linked with any bank and my phone number.
I have pmjdy account with sbi , this page won't find this account with my phone number.
How to complete my application?
Or applying for a cc won't work with pmjdy account? If so can I upgrade this account to regular account? Because if I open new account in another bank, it won't have any prior financial history
The webpage next asked to enter bank account details linked with any bank and my phone number.
I have pmjdy account with sbi , this page won't find this account with my phone number.
How to complete my application?
Or applying for a cc won't work with pmjdy account? If so can I upgrade this account to regular account? Because if I open new account in another bank, it won't have any prior financial history