I'm HDFC Infina card holder + HDFC Saving bank account holder
For last couple of times when I was trying to connect with HDFC Customer care using 18002663310 / 02261717606, it gets connect to Normal Customer care, instead of super premium card / account customer care.
On requesting them to trasfer the like to Infina customer care, they were unable to trasfer the line.
Normal customer care will ask for IVR validation and Super preimum customer care will always do offline DOB and Address validation
Anyone else facing similar issue?
For last couple of times when I was trying to connect with HDFC Customer care using 18002663310 / 02261717606, it gets connect to Normal Customer care, instead of super premium card / account customer care.
On requesting them to trasfer the like to Infina customer care, they were unable to trasfer the line.
Normal customer care will ask for IVR validation and Super preimum customer care will always do offline DOB and Address validation
Anyone else facing similar issue?