TF Pioneer
Winds app launch RuPay Prepaid Card | (I think Amex Card loading supported):
New Pinelabs RuPay Prepaid Card BIN - 817546
Note - if you already have Pinelabs mini kyc or full kyc account then no kyc document required, virtual card will instantly generated, no kyc information you need to submit.
For Example - ANQ Card, Fortum/Glida Card, Fabmoney/Pepper Money Card etc are Pinelabs powered Card. you dnt need to submit your kyc again, if you have account anyone of this wallet.
Refer Code: DM ME
Play Store:
IOS Store: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/winds-app-shop-pay-recharge/id1483895863
2 types of account available -
ELITE and PREMIUM - Benefit here -
Pay through UPI (Free) or Debit/Credit Card/Wallet to apply Virtual Winds RuPay card -
Wallet Loading -
Amex Card loading is supported but 3.1%+GST charges -
@Strange told - Wallet loading MCC - 5817 Digital Goods – Applications (Excludes Games)
That's it.
Oh by the way, i dnt know how, when i purchase gift voucher got Rs20 Wallet balance.
My account is old, dnt know how i got this wallet balance.
Other things -
This app is also selling Phonepe E-gift cards -
These are the charges -
I dnt know credit card purchase MCC Codes are same or different -
These are the wallet options to buy Phonepe E-gift cards -
New Pinelabs RuPay Prepaid Card BIN - 817546
Note - if you already have Pinelabs mini kyc or full kyc account then no kyc document required, virtual card will instantly generated, no kyc information you need to submit.
For Example - ANQ Card, Fortum/Glida Card, Fabmoney/Pepper Money Card etc are Pinelabs powered Card. you dnt need to submit your kyc again, if you have account anyone of this wallet.
Refer Code: DM ME

Play Store:
KAMAIE App:Shop, Pay, Recharge – Apps on Google Play
Make Bill Payments, Buy Brand Vouchers, Shop Online or Pay At Nearby Stores
IOS Store: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/winds-app-shop-pay-recharge/id1483895863
2 types of account available -
ELITE and PREMIUM - Benefit here -

Pay through UPI (Free) or Debit/Credit Card/Wallet to apply Virtual Winds RuPay card -

Wallet Loading -
Amex Card loading is supported but 3.1%+GST charges -
@Strange told - Wallet loading MCC - 5817 Digital Goods – Applications (Excludes Games)

That's it.
Oh by the way, i dnt know how, when i purchase gift voucher got Rs20 Wallet balance.
My account is old, dnt know how i got this wallet balance.

Other things -
This app is also selling Phonepe E-gift cards -

These are the charges -
I dnt know credit card purchase MCC Codes are same or different -

These are the wallet options to buy Phonepe E-gift cards -

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