Samsung Wallet is an underrated wallet amongest payment apps in India. Samsung Wallets offer Samsung Rewards !
Samsung Rewards is benefitial to claim Rs. 500 gift card/per annum by doing routine UPI / Wallet transactions.
Samsung Rewards Levels
Silver(15 points per transaction)
Gold(18 points per transaction,Make 4 transactions to get this level)
Platinum(20 points per transaction, Make 8 transactions to get this level)
Please note minimum transaction value to get points is Rs.50 in UPI or Wallet transactions.
Points to note
Level achieved in this month is carry forwarded to next month i.e. Platinum level retained for next month also.
Transactions resets 1st of every month. For retainaining platinum level , you need to make minimum 8 transactions per month.
How to earn 2852 points in 12 months ?
1st month=212 ((4*15)+(4*18) +(4*20))
2nd to 12th month=240/per month (12*20)
You get to earn Rs. 250/- Gift
card for every 6 months
Validity of the points is 12 months.
Rewards earned for max of 3 trxns per day.
List of Gift
Cards available for redemption and proof of gift card redemption.
Rs.250(1250 points)-Myntra, Hidesign, KFC, Dominos &Apollo Healing card.
Rs.500(2500 points)-PVR
Rewards Ratio is 5:1
So far i have redeemed only 1 no. of Rs. 250 Myntra gift card.
Thank you for Reading !
Samsung Rewards is benefitial to claim Rs. 500 gift card/per annum by doing routine UPI / Wallet transactions.

Samsung Rewards Levels

Points to note

How to earn 2852 points in 12 months ?

List of Gift
Rewards Ratio is 5:1
So far i have redeemed only 1 no. of Rs. 250 Myntra gift card.

Thank you for Reading !