TF Buzz
When you start the application on Amazon, it locks-in the Phone number and Email ID associated with your amazon account. So if the card is approved, that same phone no. and email id will be registered with the card.
My question is:
Why am I asking this? Its because I have separate email ID for shopping/misc services and separate for banking/financial related services.
If answer to Qn1 is Yes then I would set my Amazon account's email and phone no. to the official ones for banking and then apply for the card. If and when the card is approved then I would like to change both email and ph no. of my Amazon Account back to the shopping ones...
My question is:
- Once card is approved, will you be able to change the email ID and phone number of your amazon account?
- If we ARE able to change it, then will it effect the linking between the Card and the Amazon account? ( I am guessing it shouldnt by assuming that an amazon account has some Unique Identifier and the card is linked to that identifier)
Why am I asking this? Its because I have separate email ID for shopping/misc services and separate for banking/financial related services.
If answer to Qn1 is Yes then I would set my Amazon account's email and phone no. to the official ones for banking and then apply for the card. If and when the card is approved then I would like to change both email and ph no. of my Amazon Account back to the shopping ones...