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Axis Vistara Infinite Alternative

No cooling if u get through customer care ( if they give )
But read latest t/c

For online application - 3 month
Offline - no waiting but if u r rejected earlier .
Better to try after 3 month
Had read somewhere that they are not taking online applications for new vistara cards, is that true? Has anyone tried this before? Don't want to lose the card and won't be eligible for gold retainer conditions of 1.5L spends at vistara. People are suggesting to 1. close VI 2. open normal variant(offline only) & 3. upgrade normal to infinite after a month
Vistara is merging with air india ?
U didn't knew that

Already announced

Bro I know that already. I want to renew my Vistara Gold membership BEFORE merger so that I can continue with Flying Returns Gold(Star Alliance Gold) after merger atleast for 1 year. Otherwise mine is expiring this November, right around the time merger is supposed to be finalised. They aren't going to provide gold membership now for just keeping the card.
Bro I know that already. I want to renew my Vistara Gold membership BEFORE merger so that I can continue with Flying Returns Gold(Star Alliance Gold) after merger atleast for 1 year. Otherwise mine is expiring this November, right around the time merger is supposed to be finalised. They aren't going to provide gold membership now for just keeping the card.
@anirban.choudhury . .
I too closed my Vistara infinite 3 days back they offered 3k points I said know and I never received points for 2lkh transaction and when asked they said it is coming u Der utilities hence no and another say I should have got CV points for 2lkah transaction when I confronted abt thwor contradiction still they said no points for utilities and I said close itany points on your vistara account or upgrade or milestone tickets will trf to air india
Even if they don't deduct you would have paid 11800 as annual fee. 3k cv points value is less for banks peanuts. You would stand to lose more than the bank. 3k value could be around 750 or 1500 inr to bank balance amount of fee is not refundable and they keep it so think twice.