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Bank with salary account providing free Rupay Select debit card


TF Premier
From comments here I came to know that Union Super Salary Account (USSA-II) https://www.unionbankofindia.co.in/english/personal-salary-account-ussa2.aspx provides free Rupay Select debit card, although the webpage says "Platinum" debit card. Can anyone confirm this?
Then this post https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/free-rupay-select-debit-card.11440/post-202837 says that Canara Bank provides Rupay Select Debit Card with Platinum Variant (146) salary account.
Also PNB provides free Rupay Select debit card with Platinum 200 and Titanium salary accounts https://www.pnbindia.in/salary-saving-products.html
Does any other bank provide free Rupay Select debit card with salary account?
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