If u give IP of 1L they might open savingsmax and upgrade it to classic
if u do not maintain 1L for more than 3 mons then they will downgrade it to standard (savingsmax)
Yup that's what @Fini7777 told me too.
But can you tell me how much time did it take you, and how should I go and talk to them regarding this?
Directly pay 1lac or first pay 5k for digisave and then they'll take 95k more and upgrade?
And can this all happen in single visit?
All my docs are without issues of any kind.
understood, and I am not going to keep digisave, I dont have to pay any debit card or any kind of charges and my small ip for digisave will remain as is, right?
understood, and I am not going to keep digisave, I dont have to pay any debit card or any kind of charges and my small ip for digisave will remain as is, right?
Your account will still be Digisave. You are just joining one of the premier banking programme called classic with 1L. As long as you are in this programme, There will be no charges.