BoB is now offering Snapdeal Rupay Variant with 0 JF & 0 AF as an additional card. No physical card will be sent though. Earlier Easy Rupay was offering as LTF as an additional card.
BOB Snapdeal CC - 2.5% cashback on all online spends on any websites and some offline spends till Rs33,333 transaction per month except some restriction MCC Code category.
You will get 2.5% cashback till Rs33,333 transaction per month including gift voucher purchase, after that, you will get Flat unlimited 1% cashback. Unlimited 1% Cashback on UPI spend.
BOB Snapdeal CC - 2.5% cashback on all online spends on any websites and some offline spends till Rs33,333 transaction per month except some restriction MCC Code category.
But, Supermarket is in exclusion list, Hence, you can't use it for any retail chain! So effectively Zero% on offline spends 🙂
PS - convenience stores and fast food chains are excluded too
Buy gift voucher from Amazon and get 2.5% cashback and use on your local/online stores like Reliance, Vmart, DMart, Spencer, Jiomart, Bigbasket, Swiggy, Zomato, etc, jisse bhi karte ho shopping.
BOB Snapdeal CC - 2.5% cashback on all online spends on any websites and some offline spends till Rs33,333 transaction per month except some restriction MCC Code category.
For Eterna, there is 5000 limit on bonus points. But that is calculated only on 12 per 100, not 15 per 100. So it gives total 6250 (1250 regular + 5000 bonus) points on 41667.
For HPCL, there is 1000 limit on bonus points. But that is calculated only on 8 per 150, not 10 per 150. So it gives total 1250 (250 regular + 1000 bonus) points on 18750.
For Snapdeal, there is 2000 limit on bonus points. But that is calculated only on 6 per 100, not 10 per 100. So it gives total 3333 (1333 regular + 2000 bonus) points on 33333.