BoB is now offering Snapdeal Rupay Variant with 0 JF & 0 AF as an additional card. No physical card will be sent though. Earlier Easy Rupay was offering as LTF as an additional card.
I got this virtual Bob snapdeal rupay card.
How can I check card details like card number, expiry, cvv etc? I am not able to see those details in bobfinancial website after logging in.
I got this virtual Bob snapdeal rupay card.
How can I check card details like card number, expiry, cvv etc? I am not able to see those details in bobfinancial website after logging in.
I have BoB premier Card and today I got additional BoB Snapdeal Card offer for first time. I applied and snapdeal card generated instantly. Before this I had offer for BoB Easy Card, but I waited for snapdeal card and got this card as LTF. 😊
I have BoB premier Card and today I got additional BoB Snapdeal Card offer for first time. I applied and snapdeal card generated instantly. Before this I had offer for BoB Easy Card, but I waited for snapdeal card and got this card as LTF. 😊