Need a card which has good offers in Book My Show. BOGO also works.
Cards which can be easy to get and LTF would be preferable. If not, cards with low joining fee.
I would prefer having a card which has benefits without depending on spend criteria because i would have to realign my spends.
What's the criteria for being a superstar member in BMS?
HSBC Visa Platinum Card.
LTF, No need to spend anything.
BOGO upto ₹250 on the second ticket. Never faced out of stock issue because I book around Saturday midnight or morning at the latest. (Because first 2,000 users only)
HSBC Visa Platinum Card.
LTF, No need to spend anything.
BOGO upto ₹250 on the second ticket. Never faced out of stock issue because I book around Saturday midnight or morning at the latest. (Because first 10,000 users only)