I had a credit limit of ₹8,26,000 on my HDFC Bank cards (HDFC Diners and Tata Neo Infinity). Recently, while applying for the Pixel credit card through their app, I was prompted to transfer credit limit from an existing card. I selected the Tata Neo card for the transfer, not realizing that the limit was shared between both cards.
This has created a situation where my Diners card's limit has also been reduced now to ₹7,25,000. I had emailed HDFC about two months ago asking for an Infinia upgrade and they indicated I needed to meet the spend criteria. I have now met the required spend criteria of ₹9 lakhs, but now my Diner's credit limit has been reduced.
- Should I email HDFC about this situation? Will they consider my total original limit for the upgrade?
- Would creating an FD of ₹1 lakh with HDFC help in temporarily increasing my Diners card limit to support the upgrade?
Appreciate any help and pointers in my situation.
Thank you
This has created a situation where my Diners card's limit has also been reduced now to ₹7,25,000. I had emailed HDFC about two months ago asking for an Infinia upgrade and they indicated I needed to meet the spend criteria. I have now met the required spend criteria of ₹9 lakhs, but now my Diner's credit limit has been reduced.
- Should I email HDFC about this situation? Will they consider my total original limit for the upgrade?
- Would creating an FD of ₹1 lakh with HDFC help in temporarily increasing my Diners card limit to support the upgrade?
Appreciate any help and pointers in my situation.
Thank you