My first post:
Question - What all is counted towards utility? As per news posts Insurance is not counted towards Utlity.
Recently Banks started charging 1% and GST on 1% for utility payments beyond a limit. So will Insurance payments will be counted towards utlity charges,
How do we know which bank consider which services for utlity.
HDFC Most important terms and conditions doesnt mention anything of insurane under utility. Moreover on reading the terms and consitions we can see there are different sections for rewards for insurance and utilities - which gives an impression insurance and utility payments are different.
Kindly throw some light.
Question - What all is counted towards utility? As per news posts Insurance is not counted towards Utlity.
Recently Banks started charging 1% and GST on 1% for utility payments beyond a limit. So will Insurance payments will be counted towards utlity charges,
How do we know which bank consider which services for utlity.
HDFC Most important terms and conditions doesnt mention anything of insurane under utility. Moreover on reading the terms and consitions we can see there are different sections for rewards for insurance and utilities - which gives an impression insurance and utility payments are different.
Kindly throw some light.