Most of the discussions are solely on Brokerage charged by various brokers but one thing people miss on is the Demat Debit charges whose primary investment is Cash Delivery trades.
This Demat debit charges for full time brokers go as high as 50rs or at times percentage of total amount on every sell transactions.
And for discount brokers, it ranges from 3.5rs (lowest by Fyers) to 30rs which makes the overall trades expensive even if broker offers zero brokerage for Delivery trades.
Dhan & Zerodha has standard 13.5rs charge, Fyers has reduced demat debit charge to 3.5rs but introduced brokerage upto 20rs.
AngelOne is costlier than above with both Brokerage & Demat Debit charges of 20rs; Upstox slightly lesser than Angel with same brokerage but Demat Debit charge of 18rs.
So someone doing Cash Delivery trades on large number of stocks shall do keep in check the Demat Debit charges as well offered by respective brokers (Full or Discounted)