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How to check if HDFC bank account is classic?


TF Premier
Basically it shows savings regular in mobile app? How to know if it has been converted to classic? I have approved the consent sent by RM.
If upgraded via SMS consent, it takes less than 24hrs generally. Login to netbanking, you will be able to see classic logo under hdfc bank's logo


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Log in to net banking there will be classic written below hdfc bank logo or u can see in app when u click menu on top left u cam see classic written instead of standard
Yes. Showing in app now. Thanks. Also how to request for millennia debit card upgrade. It is ltf for classic account holder, right? I have easyshop platinum LTF now.
Its very simple u can either maintain funds in ur account for few months and receive upgrade offer automatically or u can visit bank and ask for acc upgrade form fill n sign n submit n ur acc will upgrade within 1 week
I've been maintaining good balance since 3 months (1 lac+) but did not receive any offer. I will try bank way
How did you upgrade to classic?
I transferred 1 lakh rupees last week to my savingsmax account. The lady who helped me open my account in branch is in charge of preferred accounts. I asked her that I need millenia debit card ltf when I was opening account therefore I need to upgrade to classic. She talked with her colleague who was in charge of classic accounts and 3 days ago I received url for consent for classic upgrade. Did that and now it's classic.
i talked to my branch today to upgrade to classic, they said something like your account is non managed account( funds always above mab in my account ), we can't upgrade. they aren't even explaining what the issue. i again asked them then how can i upgrade, they said just wait for offer.. what kind of logic is this ?
offer may take 3-6 month.
i have normal hdfc account with 10k mab.

what can i do now ? any way to upgrade to classic ?
i talked to my branch today to upgrade to classic, they said something like your account is non managed account( funds always above mab in my account ), we can't upgrade. they aren't even explaining what the issue. i again asked them then how can i upgrade, they said just wait for offer.. what kind of logic is this ?
offer may take 3-6 month.
i have normal hdfc account with 10k mab.

what can i do now ? any way to upgrade to classic ?
You need to maintain 1lac
currently maintaining more than 2 lacs, still branch denying upgrade
Then you can complain on mail. Give branch details. Case will be forwarded to branch and you will get call from someone from branch. I did the same. Hes calling me since then saying sir i will come to your house with form you don't have to come to bank. You can try this