Reduce credit card utilisation with using total credit limit?? Credit card utilisation refers to how much of the amount you spend with respect to the available credit limit. If you feel that your credit utilisation is high then
1) Reduce / control your spending. May be you are buying too much on EMIs or just paying minimum dues. This is a distrauous financial habit.
2) Increase your overall credit limit - Ask bank to increase the credit limit. As the limit increases the utilisation ratio will go down.
3) Add more credit cards - CIBIL and other credit rating agencies see Credit Utilisation as sum of available credit across all cards. Add few more LTF credit cards to your list.
Credit utilisation of more than 30% can impact your credit score
This is a very easy and direct way to do it to keep the credit utilisation within the limits if paying is a feasibility. I used it effectively during initial days of my credit card and quickly my limits were increased by ICICI without any request. Also, you can use this method for a quarter or so and then try to request for credit limit increase to see if they can increase the credit limit.