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ICICI branch employee misguide and misbehave with me today (10 October 2023)


TF Premier
Today 10th of October 2023,

I visited ICICI BANK branch, where tusar aka @Batmanbaba also visited ones( we are from the same city ) in order to open a Regular savings account. Despite having the initial funding and required KYC documents, my request to open an account was denied.

According to the bank official, they will not open an account by this way through branch .Instead, they explained that "an executive would need to visit my Aadhaar address to see my position and financial situation and determine whether I would be able to maintain MAB of 10k or not. The official stated that this procedure was necessary to maintain the bank's reputation as it will bad for their reputation if I failed to maintain 10k.

The official also authenticate my Aadhaar address using a banking tablet with Google Maps. If my address will match exactly then they will proceed account opening."
The executive didn't even take a look at my documents at branch.

Is it the way you treat a new customer?
You can deny my account opening , but the personal insult is too much.

I have never had any prior relationship with ICICI, and I do not intend to establish one in the future.

(Complaint submitted via Facebook)

What I should do in this case ?

Ps- I really felt very bad for being treated like this, as far the question of affordability, I can afford the whole branch along with land and building (franchise and infrastructure too) .


TF Premier
What kind of reputation of bank is at stake if a customer doesn't fulfill AMB requirement?

The bank then charges Fees for not maintaining AMB, which ultimately results in increasing revenue and profit for the bank.
Yup it seems like they are just unprofessional buch of bastards. Even if they didn't want to open the account there were more polite and respectful ways to convey that. I once obliterated someone at HDFC for not opening a farmer's account (It's a rural branch and I was sitting sippin tea) saying '2000 Rs rakj paoge'. I went ballistic, saying it's his job to inform her about PMJDY account blah blah blah. Money should be able to buy u some small talk, coffee/tea or lounge....respect should be universal.


TF Ace
VIP Lounge
Ps- I really felt very bad for being treated like this, as far the question of affordability, I can afford the whole branch along with land and building (franchise and infrastructure too) .
Sorry to hear about this, but these are the tactics they use to lure in customers.

They would not get much from you (as they won't be able to sell you investments, etc). If you go asking for Wealth Management, the scenario would be totally different.

They are trained to assess new customers and to not waste their time if the think they won't exact any profits from it. The make you feel bad about it

Sad thing is (please koi gaali mat dena mujhe), Indian mentality can not accept humiliation from someone we feel is of lower status than us (its a fact, we are egoist) and they play with it.

They would say "sir, 10k MAB would be way too hassle for you and the bank and we want to keep our reputation by having only trusted customers... so if you can provide initial cheque of 5/10L, then I can have a word with BM and make the account opening seamless"... hearing this, you will throw away the amount, just to show him your ego but he has won logically...

This technic is quite old, being used by banks and travel agent/companies at mass in past. Imagine, you sitting with your wife/family and someone says "sir, I think this foreign tour would be costly for you, I suggest going to Goa or some local place"... your ego would get hurt so bad that you would take their highest foreign package, just to keep your ego (and image) in front of your family, but in the end, travel agents have won..

I would suggest you to go to bank again tomorrow, and have a word with Branch Manager first and see his response and take his official email (saying further communication). Irrespective of what he says, mail to "headservicequality@icicibank.com" and "senior.management@icicibank.com"... keeping BM email in CC, telling them about the harassment you faced and ask them to take actions (do not mention the wealth you have, for banks its nothing even if you put everything there)

also, ask them to raise formal complaint and to give you Service Request number for tracking..

Hope you take revenge... dvader's idea is good as well.. but they won't care much (unless its rural branch)
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TF Premier
Sorry to hear about this, but these are the tactics they use to lure in customers.

They would not get much from you (as they won't be able to sell you investments, etc). If you go asking for Wealth Management, the scenario would be totally different.

They are trained to assess new customers and to not waste their time if the think they won't exact any profits from it. The make you feel bad about it

Sad thing is (please koi gaali mat dena mujhe), Indian mentality can not accept humiliation from someone we feel is of lower status than us (its a fact, we are egoist) and they play with it.

They would say "sir, 10k MAB would be way too hassle for you and the bank and we want to keep our reputation by having only trusted customers... so if you can provide initial cheque of 5/10L, then I can have a word with BM and make the account opening seamless"... hearing this, you will throw away the amount, just to show him your ego but he has won logically...

This technic is quite old, being used by banks and travel agent/companies at mass in past. Imagine, you sitting with your wife/family and someone says "sir, I think this foreign tour would be costly for you, I suggest going to Goa or some local place"... your ego would get hurt so bad that you would take their highest foreign package, just to keep your ego (and image) in front of your family, but in the end, travel agents have won..

I would suggest you to go to bank again tomorrow, and have a word with Branch Manager first and see his response and take his official email (saying further communication). Irrespective of what he says, mail to "headservicequality@icicibank.com", "pno@icicibank.com" and "senior.management@icicibank.com"... keeping BM email in CC, telling them about the harassment you faced and ask them to take actions (do not show how much you have)

also, ask them to raise formal complaint and to give you Service Request number for tracking..

Hope you take revenge... dvader's idea is good.. but they won't care much (unless its rural branch)
Unfortunately there is some truth to your statement. I myself have been a victim of this once or twice in the past. But with time I have grown wiser and now I absolutely avoid any conversations with any banker. If I have to visit a branch, I dont want any spacial treatment jusy treat me like a normal guy and let me get on with my day.

Eitherway, this is just a branch's problem though. no one up the heirarchy would ever support this, so rest assured it's not the ICICi bank per se just the shitty branch guys thats all.


TF Premier
These absolute bastards. No one should be treated like that, even if someone can't afford to keep 10k. I would request you to do the following.

1. Go to any other branch and open a wealth account or even private with 10-20L IP cheque.

2. Transfer the branch to the one with the bastard RM (This is online process don't worry)

3. Go to the branch in the most humble outfit and act surprised that your wealth account is in the same branch. Tell them you came to deposit a 50L cheque but u cant trust a small private bank with third grade employees to manage your wealth and would like to close this account immediately. Tell them you are opening account in Deutsche Bank or any other cool sounding foreign bank. And wreck these mo"*#@rs. I know it's time taking but u will serve ur revenge cold....
As I already reported to pno, Twitter, fb and headservicequality@icici.com, if they get it done by tomorrow or day after tomorrow, I will get the account or will not.

Whatever the case, I will try your suggest with another account with my RM once I reached New Delhi.

Actually this is only ICICI branch in the 40 kms district at urban location, that is why they think they have monopoly.


TF Premier
Sorry to hear about this, but these are the tactics they use to lure in customers.

They would not get much from you (as they won't be able to sell you investments, etc). If you go asking for Wealth Management, the scenario would be totally different.

They are trained to assess new customers and to not waste their time if the think they won't exact any profits from it. The make you feel bad about it

Sad thing is (please koi gaali mat dena mujhe), Indian mentality can not accept humiliation from someone we feel is of lower status than us (its a fact, we are egoist) and they play with it.

They would say "sir, 10k MAB would be way too hassle for you and the bank and we want to keep our reputation by having only trusted customers... so if you can provide initial cheque of 5/10L, then I can have a word with BM and make the account opening seamless"... hearing this, you will throw away the amount, just to show him your ego but he has won logically...

This technic is quite old, being used by banks and travel agent/companies at mass in past. Imagine, you sitting with your wife/family and someone says "sir, I think this foreign tour would be costly for you, I suggest going to Goa or some local place"... your ego would get hurt so bad that you would take their highest foreign package, just to keep your ego (and image) in front of your family, but in the end, travel agents have won..

I would suggest you to go to bank again tomorrow, and have a word with Branch Manager first and see his response and take his official email (saying further communication). Irrespective of what he says, mail to "headservicequality@icicibank.com", "pno@icicibank.com" and "senior.management@icicibank.com"... keeping BM email in CC, telling them about the harassment you faced and ask them to take actions (do not mention the wealth you have, for banks its nothing even if you put everything there)

also, ask them to raise formal complaint and to give you Service Request number for tracking..

Hope you take revenge... dvader's idea is good as well.. but they won't care much (unless its rural branch)
I agree with you, I infact we customer don't have any problem with banks , it is the employees who create problems as they represent their bank.

Just take imaginary situation if all SBI employees start doing their work with honesty like we do our jobs. is their any bank which can beat sbi in any field? ( e.g. only SBI DC and cc promotion through Amazon sale these days).

(My personal wealth is not for sake of that way Bhai , I mean if a man wear a simple t shirt , a old jogging shoes, it doesn't mean he is not formal enough)

Appreciate your efforts brother :)


TF Ace
VIP Lounge
no one up the heirarchy would ever support this, so rest assured it's not the ICICi bank per se just the shitty branch guys thats all.
They are trained to be that way, but no one would accept it... all the top hierarchy would always say "we do not accept such behaviour" but internally, all branches have targets to meet and they do all kinds "saam daam dand bhed" to get the most from customer

I agree with you, I infact we customer don't have any problem with banks , it is the employees who create problems as they represent their bank.

(My personal wealth is not for sake of that way Bhai , I mean if a man wear a simple t shirt , a old jogging shoes, it doesn't mean he is not formal enough)
they do not follow "do not judge a book by its cover" methodology, instead they follow "jo dikhta hai, vahi bikta hai" (sad reality)


TF Ace
Today 10th of October 2023,

I visited ICICI BANK branch, where tusar aka @Batmanbaba also visited ones( we are from the same city ) in order to open a Regular savings account. Despite having the initial funding and required KYC documents, my request to open an account was denied.

According to the bank official, they will not open an account by this way through branch .Instead, they explained that "an executive would need to visit my Aadhaar address to see my position and financial situation and determine whether I would be able to maintain MAB of 10k or not. The official stated that this procedure was necessary to maintain the bank's reputation as it will bad for their reputation if I failed to maintain 10k.

The official also authenticate my Aadhaar address using a banking tablet with Google Maps. If my address will match exactly then they will proceed account opening."
The executive didn't even take a look at my documents at branch.

Is it the way you treat a new customer?
You can deny my account opening , but the personal insult is too much.

I have never had any prior relationship with ICICI, and I do not intend to establish one in the future.

(Complaint submitted via Facebook)

What I should do in this case ?

Ps- I really felt very bad for being treated like this, as far the question of affordability, I can afford the whole branch along with land and building (franchise and infrastructure too) .
Bolna tha na tabhi ki , paisa toh itna hai ki teko kharid lo , kalyan ka hi scene lag rha ,warna bolte na ki wealth open karna hai , ghar aake pair dhoke pilete yeh RMs


TF Premier
Update guys:

The employee who misbehaved was deputy manager who called me today and apologize for 8 minutes, just crocodile's apology, pleased me to visit branch and after opening my account in their tab. One guy came to visit my communication address and feed the location in his banking tab within 1 minute and left.

I got Just the normal welcome kit.

Thankyou to all TF community members specially to @plastikman, @NOOBY and @Sahilhenzy for providing escalation email to raise query.


TF Ace
VIP Lounge
Update guys:

The employee who misbehaved was deputy manager who called me today and apologize for 8 minutes, just crocodile's apology, pleased me to visit branch and after opening my account in their tab. One guy came to visit my communication address and feed the location in his banking tab within 1 minute and left.

I got Just the normal welcome kit.

Thankyou to all TF community members specially to @plastikman, @NOOBY and @Sahilhenzy for providing escalation email to raise query.
Very happy to know the outcome 👍. You finally got what you wanted. Hopefully, you won't have to deal with them again.


TF Legend
Update guys:

The employee who misbehaved was deputy manager who called me today and apologize for 8 minutes, just crocodile's apology, pleased me to visit branch and after opening my account in their tab. One guy came to visit my communication address and feed the location in his banking tab within 1 minute and left.

I got Just the normal welcome kit.

Thankyou to all TF community members specially to @plastikman, @NOOBY and @Sahilhenzy for providing escalation email to raise query.

The reality is these bank employees think we are fools and do not know how the things work. They really need some bamboo from upper mang otherwise they just behave like this. Address verification and financial stability check is logical if we are taking money from them, here we are giving our money to them, so who are they to ques about this. Really worse

If you would have spoke about wm acc he would have been ready to lick your toes🤣


TF Ace
VIP Lounge



Draft a good strongly worded email and send it to these ID's and see the magic.
@gauravraj yeah please do this
Its important to let them know how their employees treat new customers.. espacially to managingdirector

just crocodile's apology
when you get call from escalation desk, ask them to raise formal complaint towards his name, and provide you with Service Request Number.... make him cry for real... it's necessary to raise formal complaint

The escalation desk themselves would try to avoid it (as they do not want their own people in trouble) but you stick to it and say that you need senior escalation officially which would require Complaint number (as a part of Service request number) and you are not going to leave this matter until I get written apology from him (better on letter head, as he is deputy BM, he has access to it)

Depending on situation, guilt trip him on giving you Emaralde/Sapphiro as LTF :LOL:
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TF Premier
@gauravraj yeah please do this
Its important to let them know how their employees treat new customers.. espacially to managingdirector

when you get call from escalation desk, ask them to raise formal complaint towards his name, and provide you with Service Request Number.... make him cry for real... it's necessary to raise formal complaint

The escalation desk themselves would try to avoid it (as they do not want their own people in trouble) but you stick to it and say that you need senior escalation officially which would require Complaint number (as a part of Service request number) and you are not going to leave this matter until I get written apology from him (better on letter head, as he is deputy BM, he has access to it)

Depending on situation, guilt trip him on giving you Emaralde/Sapphiro as LTF :LOL:



Draft a good strongly worded email and send it to these ID's and see the magic.
Today I was too formal with them, BM give me a RM mobile number along with 3 others and said he will work as your personal banker , he will collect cash or documents from home. We will serve you at the extent we can, please don't tell this incident with anyone as it ruin our image.

I clearly said I don't need your apologize just take a oath that along with your rules and norms , you never leave your humanism and ethics.
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TF Ace
RML Group
Today I was too formal with them, BM give me a RM mobile number and said he will work as your personal banker , he will collect cash or documents from home. We will serve you at the extent we can, please don't tell this incident with anyone as it ruin our image.
it seems they still worried about their image/reputation. nothing changed i guess. still better to raise the official complaint as mentioned by others above. otherwise it'll keep on happening to others too. humans don't change easily.


TF Ace
VIP Lounge
please don't tell this incident with anyone as it ruin our image.
they still care for their image instead of apologising

MD needs to know both sides, how they treated you first and they took up after complaint... but message should be conveyed that it was frustrating

it seems they still worried about their image/reputation. nothing changed i guess. still better to raise the official complaint as mentioned by others above. otherwise it'll keep on happening to others too. humans don't change easily.
100% agree


TF Premier
Good to know they apologized, even if it's fake, there is some semblence of order and professionalism. You can change ur branch in future if you do a lot of cash txns.

Eitherway It turned out well. Corporate world is about incentives (To do your work) and penalties (for wrongdoings), there is no way any can impart values in an adult, the time for that has passed.

You have them by the balls though. It's your call what to do with the balls though, you can squeeze some LTF card, but it would require some great acting on your part.

Bugs Bunny

TF Ace
VIP Lounge
they still care for their image instead of apologising

MD needs to know both sides, how they treated you first and they took up after complaint... but message should be conveyed that it was frustrating

100% agree
If I had experienced such an incident, I would have taken steps to ensure that the branch officials who behaved in such a manner faced dreadful consequences. They should have learned a valuable lesson on how not to treat a customer or a fellow human being.