On a serious note...
Disagree. It's not my job to follow up with bank's different levels. Bank is a RE and should ensure what comes out of any level is the bank's view. Why should customer waste his time complaining to different levels? If need be, bank should put a review system in place so that responses come out after being reviewed by different levels and not waste customer's time and effort.U accidentally revealed ur location😯
Lol, first raise the issue with bank itself at multiple levels. An email or written confirmation would be better that "Even after RBI guidelines for J&K residents, your PAN & Aadhar should be linked"
RBI ombudsman is there to resolve my grievance, not issue. Issue resolution is bank's job. And the very fact that I had to approach the RBIO means bank has not done their job right (that's what the 30 days are given for) and therefore deserves to be punished and me as a harassed customer deserves to be compensated. Of course considering that the bank is at fault, in case customer is making an unjust demand RBIO should scrap the complaint.Post that write to RBI BO.
Remember rbi ombudsman is there to get ur issues resolved not for earning monetary fund by complaining on each and every thing.
Nope...don't agree with any of your points.Hope u understand and take positively.