This is regarding A Loan, which is Not related to My Pan So After Providing Documents X BANK they de-linked from Pan and removed from My CIBIL as well in 2022.
Now In 2025 From A 3rd Party Lender Same Loan Reflecting in My Cibil as X BANK transferred to that 3rd party and also shared my Pan.
-After Raising Complaint to 3rd Party, they are saying X BANK have to provide us Authorization so we can do anything.
- After Complaint to X BANK , they saying we have transferred all rights to that 3rd party, so they will do some-thing.
Now What Should I DO. ??
For both parties should i Complaint in RBI or anyone
Now In 2025 From A 3rd Party Lender Same Loan Reflecting in My Cibil as X BANK transferred to that 3rd party and also shared my Pan.
-After Raising Complaint to 3rd Party, they are saying X BANK have to provide us Authorization so we can do anything.
- After Complaint to X BANK , they saying we have transferred all rights to that 3rd party, so they will do some-thing.
Now What Should I DO. ??
For both parties should i Complaint in RBI or anyone