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Most of you know the debit cards which are useful, but it’s difficult to keep track of which platforms to use, how to use because of devaluations/ limits.
I had written down current working methods for my personal use but thought of sharing with the community. Will appreciate any feedback. So here goes:

1) RBL signature plus dc: sbi unipay
1b) RBL Enterprise dc: sbi unipay
2) HDFC PLATINUM debit card: can be used on hdfc bill pay and sbi unipay
3)HDFC Millennia debit card: can be used to load Amazon/Mobikwik wallets for 1%. Can use hdfc bill pay or sbi unipay for 2.5%
4) indus visa signature, visa platinum and mastercard world : Use paytm and cred (Dreamplug Paytech merchant) for visa variants. Sbi unipay, HDFC Payzapp and Cheq(not working for most) for mastercard variant.
5) FI money ( infinity or salary variant) : pay 1.5k multiple times through cred using fi upi.
6) IDFC Debit cards: Pay cc bill using sbi unipay.
7) Axis Liberty dc : pay cc through sbi unipay for qtly voucher. Can use upi as well anywhere; no exclusions using upi. Bonus tip: Use axis gyftr portal / amazon to buy amazon gv from Liberty dc for weekend cashback.
8) Citi Priority on sbi unipay
9) sbi physical debit card on sbi unipay

SBI Unipay fails for trx above 1L. If trx fails, it is usually auto refunded within 5 working days. Please try with small amount first.

Update: Alternative to SBI unipay: ‘Airtel’ (2 merchant names, both work), ‘jio finance’ app Canara bbps website. They only support bbps cc bill payment. These give 4900 (utility) mcc.

Update 2: P B R G and thomasjackson mentioned even Dhani Pay has utility MCC (so an alternative to SBI Unipay). Non-BBPS cc can be paid. But KYC required. (havent tried myself)

Update 3: Full details with calculations on rewards added here: https://www.technofino.in/community...-card-bill-from-debit-cards.25788/post-634404

Update 4: SBI dc rewards update from 1st May. Details here

Ongoing issues 1) : Some have reported idfc dc is blocked while account is active. You can complaint to idfc, it gets solved in 3-5 days.
2) Indus dc points are not regular, so will have to wait and still no guarantee that you will get the points or correct number of points.
3) Hdfc bill pay giving BBPSRental merchant name for some cc bill payment trx, so may not get cashback. Use alternatives.

AU bank and standard chartered bank dc
: see here https://www.technofino.in/community/threads/best-debit-card-for-credit-card-bill-payment-2024.26178/
thanks for creating this thread.

I'm unable to understand how to make payment of credit card using DC in airtel : https://www.airtel.in/bank/products/utility-payments
Valid as on 9th May 2024. I will keep on updating here and also on https://twitter.com/sm98119/status/178243226540....

1a) RBL signature + dc: 1% cashback for payment by paying using sbi unipay. Cashback through vouchers upto 1000rs pm. Extra 5,000 Rs voucher if spend of 5L in a year. Fees 5.9k issuance (get 5k voucher) and 1.8k annual (waived off on 3L spends). Can open multiple accounts with same pan to get multiple dc.

1b) RBL Enterprise dc: 5% cb on paying cc bills using sbi unipay upto 1k monthly. 9k vouchers if spend of 15L in an year. Fees of 2.2k annual. On joining, 8.9k fees and you get 8.5k voucher.

2) HDFC PLATINUM debit card: can be used on hdfc bill pay and sbi unipay for 1% cashback upto Rs750 pm. No cashback for payment through mobikwik, Cred, paytm, Cheq. Fees 750 (waived for certain account categories).

3) HDFC Millennia debit card: can be used to load Amazon(full kyc req), mobikwik or slice wallet and then pay bill. 1% cashback using wallet load. Alternatively use hdfc billpay or sbi unipay to get 2.5%. Cashback monthly limit 400. Fees 500 (waived for certain account categories). Use Bill desk QR code to pay cc bill from amazon wallet.

4) Indusind exclusive or select debit cards (around ~0.9% cashback): There are 3 main cards : visa signature, visa platinum and mastercard world. All 3 can be held together and free of charge with select or exclusive accounts. Use paytm and cred (Dreamplug Paytech merchant) for visa variants. Sbi unipay, Payzapp for mastercard variant. Incremental rewards so if spend is for example 10k only <0.5% rewards.

For mc world and visa signature each : Cashback limit is Rs 1050 per month on spends of 112k. Max 3000 reward points at 35 paise.

For visa platinum: Cashback limit is Rs 700 per month on spends of Rs79.3k Max 2000 reward points at 35 paise.

6) FI money ( infinity or salary variant) : pay 1.5k multiple times through cred using fi upi. Get 2% cashback. Max cashback of 500 per month. Max cashback limit : Rs30 per tranx. Rs.100 per day.

7) IDFC Debit cards: Pay cc bill using sbi unipay.
Reward rate and dc fees depends on account type:
For wealth account : 0.67% rewards till 50k(online spends). 2.5% rewards post 50k. Rs.12.5k rewards max monthly. So, around Rs.5.36L transaction can be done.
For Select account : 0.5% rewards till 50k(online spends). 2.5% rewards post 50k. Rs.7.5k rewards max monthly. So, around Rs.3.4L transactions can be done.
For basic account : 0.33% rewards till 50k(online spends). 1.67% rewards post 50k. Rs.2k rewards max monthly. So, around Rs.1.6L transactions can be done.

8) Axis Liberty dc : Use upi to pay through any app or use dc through sbi unipay. For 60k spends in a calendar qtr, get 750 cashback. Bonus: spend 10k on gift edge/Amazon (incl voucher)/ FK during weekend and get 500Rs reward pm. Dc fees applies.

9) Other dc: Jupiter (1% upto Rs150 on sbi unipay; 2% using upi for select accounts), Citi Priority world debit card 1.3% on sbi unipay. Sbi physical dc 0.25% on all except account to wallet/account to account. Union bank signature 1% unlimited. Standard Chartered Infinite Priority 1.25% unlimited vouchers on wallet/utility etc.

Alternative to SBI unipay: ‘Airtel’ (only bbps cc), ‘jio finance’ app (only bbps cc)

Imp note: SBI Unipay is working now for most of people, still try with small amount first. Paytm MCC can be different in some trx but mostly working for indus.

If you can, help me add/modify details. Trying to make it easier for people to find info.
Received confirmation from multiple resources SBI Unipay is the go to portal for 1% CB using HDFC Platinum DC. I have received atleast 6-7 confirmatuions from friends and family on this.
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Seems all down unipay , canera setu for SBI cc payments out of 5 payments 2 got success only axis not allowing to make payment of current due it says no pending message

I did following
1. hdfc billpay with RENTALBBPSNO , - Got sucessfully paid sbi card hope millinea dc gives points due to rental mcc
2. SBI unipay from 4 pm continously say - unable to process request
3. From jio finance app total 3 payments made - Only 1 got successful other 2 got failed by millinea dc merchant name REL*RELIANCE PAYMENT hope points i will get till now no updates for failed 3 payments .
4.Canera Setu - Tried axis card payments it say no due available to pay for SBI It says error server .

How can prepay axis card bill like sbi allowed if we spends.

@Abhishek012 @VISHESH_BANSAL how to know mcc for paytm cc bill payment via millinea dc ?
can anyone confirm if jiofinance is instant payment? Want to pay hdfc cc bill, have hdfc platinum dc. What would be the best way to approach? Seeing people have errors in sbi unipay as well. Thanks fr your help