Hi All,
I am confused now on what to do after sbi removed dc option.
Many people say canara setu has changed mcc so no cb on hdfc platinum dc and many say we can get cb on that.
Can anyone please confirm what is the mcc for canara setu right now and if that mcc would give cb on hdfc platinum dc ?
Also i can see many links of canara setu, can anyone pinpoint which is the correct one or genuine one, which has worked for them.
Also i have hsbc platinum cc and it does not work on uni pay, i saw someone mentioned about bill desk website, can someone point me to the right thread on how exactly that works and if i can get cb there on hdfc platinum dc.
Lastly can we request to get this post updated with latest sbi unipay dc removed option and other alternatives left like canara setu or something.
I know that i can find these details in this thread but there are literally so many comments on this after the recent unipay debit card fiasco which is causing a lot of confusion.