It's comparatively difficult for self-employed & SME owners to get CC, so assumed that you are also like most of CC holders (salaried).
As long as people are regularly using cards, have ITR/salary slips, LEs keeps on coming in accordance with CTC, or can be increased by sharing these docs.
People who don't have either of these or already hv 30-40% ceiling of their ITR/annual CTC will find it difficult to get LE further.
You've reached nirwana level. Otherwise, few people here, get itching if they don't get LE, as they get Ego boost every-time their LE increases, even when they don't have expenses/need for that limit.
(CIBIL utilisation takes into consideration overall credit limit, across multiple cards: total utilisation should be less than 30%. Even if you are using above 30% but paying everytime in full, then no major impact on CIBIL)
If your current limit is lower than 30% of your annual CTC & last limit increase was done6+ months back, then send 3 months payslip & salary account statement "priority redressal" email, limit will be increased.
For card upgrade, search through forums to know eligibility criteria, and also talk to RM/Priroity Redressal team, they will guide you, based on your CTC, expenses, preferences etc....