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LTF Rubyx with LE of 5lacs

Wealth is my birth right!

TF Prestige
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Hi TF family,

As I'm using coral ltf for long years with recently last year added coral rupay to my card portfolio, i even though being a privilege customer my limit for core cards is 110000 only; Apay card also I have with 300000 limit since I use it more for amazon purchases.

No LEs in core card for years and I also accept it since i use these 2 coral cards just once in 4 months to make it active only since the reward structure in ICICI is so poor.

Recently in another forum @SSV asked lot of queries of my relationship with bank, iscore, cards and age of CIBIL, limits, etc., and finally he was suggesting that I'm getting/yielding less from ICICI even though a customer more than a decade for them and holding of such things (score, acct balances etc) which motivated me to think of what can be done to get higher variant cards which are always shown in imobile as paid upgrades.

Other person whom to a special thanks is that @helloworld he only suggested to take twitter route of asking LTF Rubyx/Saphiro since long years I hold coral and apay cards which I connected them via X and 2 days TAT had 2 times called by ICICI but finally they gave a mail stating that I can get paid Rubyx as shown in my app with my usage/relationship with them. I said the happening in DM to @helloworld for which he gave a lengthy steps how to take another route to get LTF rubyx and I followed those and here below some steps with SS.

1. Started filling online new application from site with a hard hit on cibil
2. Site asked for employer name and office email and they then send an otp to office mail and i input it to validate my employment
3. Just stopped at this stage with CIBIL alert msg and didnt even saw what all cards available, I closed the site
4. 2 days later I got call from 022 ICICI team assist and the guy asked why i stopped application and what's my need just i said all the above points about my cards with ICICI and expect a rubyx/saphiro ltf
5. Guy transferred the call to one of his senior lady after asking my salary details, employer and willing to get a new upgraded card
6. An interview kind of things she asked lot about my personal finance and finally she confirmed that "Sir you're eligible for Rubyz dual variant MC and AmEx that too LTF".....boom I didnt accepted and asked for Saphiro LTF but she said currently for my profile Saphiro can be done on paid basis and transferred back call to another guy who proceed form filling.
7. Now i'm with 3rd person call transferred but LTF rubyx offer gave josh, and I again asked him that whether the rubyx dual variant is chargeable he confirmed that Mam has approved LTF and asked to send some SMS format as shown below.
8. Post SMS success, the person able to access my earlier left out application, its on a SAT and guy asking that he send another otp to office email lol on SAT its off and we wont access ofc laptop but guy said that if otp not validated then offline site visit to ur work place will be happening which will take a week more time, then we continue application I was away from home then asked 2 hrs to come back home and guy agreed to call again.
9. Sharp 12pm at home with ofc laptop on and saw that otp mail which shows otp valid for next 48 hrs but no call I got and i tried back that number 10 times but full ring goes no one picked, it all happend till 1pm and i left it like that thinking no ltf luck...
10. 4pm I got call from those ppl again and they asked for office mail otp luckily I was at home and within minutes minutes its done.
11. Guy finally asked to share last month payslip to a whatsup no which is his manager who see payslip and he will give final OK to submit application.
12.He was on call untill i send my payslip to wup no of his manager and he walked to him and asked his OK and finally submitted application from his side then asked for KYC I said i'm a grand old customer of them and he finally sent a link where nothing asked other than last month payslip.
13. Around 430pm got an application reference generated.
14. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday EOD gone i lost hope and to my surprise today morning (WED) when i logged in imobile i'm able to see 5 cards (Coral Visa/Rupay, Rubyx MC/Amex and APay).
15. Final surpriseeee LE also happened from 110000 to 500000 wooooow

Tips: With 110000 limit i did a iphone 15 purchase by ICICI no cost EMI with aptronix for 72000 on June 15th which made lot of triggers in their system (once they converted it for 24 months amortisation) I guess and on top of that as someone disclosed on other thread, ICICI made if net salary (not gross) is if 50k coral LTF, if 1l then rubyx LTF and if 1.5l then Saphiro LTF which my payslip supported for rubyx ltf. Another addon but not sure i'm having 1l plus outstanding in Apay card which I get bill on July 12th which made them thought i'm worthy client lol...

Hearty thanks again to @SSV and @helloworld
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