Hi everyone. Just wanted to share my journey to getting 2 Infinia Metal credit cards.
I started my first job (placed on campus) in October 2020 and applied for the regalia credit card as my salary was less than the requirement for diners black card at that time(1.75LPM). The regalia was approved with a limit of 5 lakhs.
In October 2021, I got a raise of 25% in my base salary and got my card upgraded to FYF diners black plastic version. Received auto limit enhancement once after 12 months from 5 lakhs to 5.1 lakhs(LOL). I switched my job in March 2023 with a salary hike of 100%. After 1.5 years in ~May 2023, I tried applying for Infinia through my RM but was denied citing internal criteria. I was frustrated at that point as I had spent close to 15L in the past 12 months on the card. I got in touch with the credit card area head of Gurgaon region who connected me to another RM. Tried applying again, but no luck. In October 2023, my primary RM offered the diners black metal card which I accepted due to the quarterly milestone benefit and higher daily and monthly capping for accelerated points.
In February 2024, I reached out to the second RM again and this time, the card was approved. First, he applied for limit increase from 5.1 to 8 lakhs. Once that was approved, he applied for the infinia metal upgrade on my current DCBM card. The whole process took around 1.5 months with multiple CIBIL hits.
Back then, I wasn't actively tracking credit card forums like technofino and reddit but after the infinia metal was approved, I started looking at them atleast once daily. That was when I got to know about the 2 routes for Infinia(spends and salary), the escalation matrix for HDFC credit cards and offerings by other banks. In June 2024, I requested for another limit enhancement on my current card to grievance redressal and they bumped it by 20% to 9.65 lakhs. They only asked for latest salary slips over email and it was done.
The current capping of 15k points per month was too low for me and in the last week of June 2024, I wrote another email to customer care for an additional Diners or Infinia credit card but I was denied initially. Kept escalating till priority redressal and was offered a priced DCBM card for which first year fees would've been waived for spends of 1.5 lakhs in 120 days. I was able to meet this criteria and the card was essentially free.
By December 2024, I was able to spend ~8 lakhs on the DCB Metal(4 lakhs in each quarter) and tried my luck to get the card upgraded to Infinia Metal by emailing the grievance redressal . I didn't mention anything regarding my first infinia card. A week later, the upgrade was approved and the card was delivered to me within 2 days after the approval. This time, the process was quite smooth and no CIBIL hit.
I have no relationship with the bank apart from my salary account and an FD of 1 lakh for a safety deposit locker. HDFC has been quite generous to me in the past year or so and I might push for a third infinia via the same process if the current 30k monthly cap seems too low 😛. For now, I'm quite satisfied with my current card portfolio covering almost all categories of spends. I currently hold 2 infinia metal(both FYF), 1 tata neu infinity(FYF), 1 Swiggy HDFC(LTF), Axis Atlas(Paid), ICICI Sapphiro(LTF under alumni programme), ICICI Adani One Signature(LTF), Amex Platinum Travel.
I stopped checking out the reddit forum about 3-4 months ago due to the surge of low quality posts but have been actively following the content here. This forum has been quite helpful with respect to any and every credit card query of mine. Shout out to the community and the members managing this forum and moderating the content to maintain the quality. Cheers