even with some charges with other credit cards, can get positive reward value, check this..
Last update: 11-01-2025
- HDFC : Milestone benefits only ✅
- HSBC Cashback: 0% ✅
- AMEX Gold Charge: 1 MR/50 + Milestone benefits ✅
- AMEX SmartEarn/ MRCC/Platinum Travel: Milestone benefits only ✅
- AU Zenith: Milestone benefits only ✅
- AU Zenith+: 1% + Milestone benefits ✅
- SC Smart: 2% ✅
- SC Ultimate: 2% (Govt. transaction) ✅
- ICICI AmazonPay: 1%
- Yes Marquee: 1.25% (Special MCC) ✅
Note: Mostly other cards from same bank works with varied reward rate and similar rule of exclusion.
For NPS payments
MCC: 9399 (Govt. Services)
Do check both payment...