Nothing as such written in welcome will be written in estatment that u will receive without request from your side... I.e monthly estatment that banks send automatically
Ludhiana, but I can share his number, he'll open it even remotely but I'm not sure you can check with him if interested.
But i'd not recommended opening the account this way, as he didn't give me any guarantee that account won't be downgraded.
I just have to monitor my emails carefully, once I receive the 30 day notice of downgrade, i'll close the pioneer debit card. Otherwise i'll be charged 3k for debit card.
Ludhiana, but I can share his number, he'll open it even remotely but I'm not sure you can check with him if interested.
But i'd not recommended opening the account this way, as he didn't give me any guarantee that account won't be downgraded.
I just have to monitor my emails carefully, once I receive the 30 day notice of downgrade, i'll close the pioneer debit card. Otherwise i'll be charged 3k for debit card.