As per the video by Technofino, The rent payent capping for Axis Bank Magnus is given in the screenshot
Now, my current rent is Rs 1 lakh. Since the capping is on per transction. If i pay two different transactions of Rs 50k, will I get 3000 + 3000 Axis Bank Edge Reward points? And will this payment of rent of Rs 1 lakh will be considered against the milestone of Rupees Rs 1 lakh for Axis Magnus?? Please confirm someone?
And also has someone paid Rent using Axis Magnus ? did you recieve the points?

Now, my current rent is Rs 1 lakh. Since the capping is on per transction. If i pay two different transactions of Rs 50k, will I get 3000 + 3000 Axis Bank Edge Reward points? And will this payment of rent of Rs 1 lakh will be considered against the milestone of Rupees Rs 1 lakh for Axis Magnus?? Please confirm someone?
And also has someone paid Rent using Axis Magnus ? did you recieve the points?