Considering you added P.S., seems many have replied about your rude comments before.@Googix Tranaction decline due to insufficient balance at POS/Online POS/ATM is there since 2004. Good morning to you if you don't care to read. Go and ask RBI as to why they allowed it at first place. Then Shashikanta Das will let you know how eating at a restuarant without taking your wallet leads to dish washing there.
From customer point of view every charge is idiotic one. Nobody asked you to carry out a txn without having balance. Most people check balance first or keep track of it. Banks sends you SMS after txn that contains your leftover balance. That's why I always say, India is full of people that live unaware most part of their lives.
If you ever get time from your busy life doing nothing do care to read Common Service Charges page. 🙂
P.S: Just a general reply. Nothing personal. Don't get offended. I just reply like this.
This also appears rude perhaps may be work on that too before advising someone on a social platform.