I have sent to this mail ID headservicequality@icicibank<dot>com no automatic response came. Then I have called Customer Call asking for an Explanation. I also informed her that escalation mail didn't generate auto response. She told she will mark the mail sent originally and will be getting another call.
You can call customer Care and ask them to Mark the mail.
After sometime received a call from a different person. I narrated what had happened. She is telling "LTF Coral Amex card cannot be issued on a Pre Approved Rupay Card" I told few of my friends got it. she is saying Product team has notified to Stop issuing like that. If needed she will take a request for Paid one.
I leveraged this escalation for AMEX MC sapphirro conversion from Visa Signature. 😉 To which she told she will do the needful. Let's see what happens.