1.5 lakhs is a huge amount for insurance of home loan.I recently got a SBI home loan (SBI processes home loans using a separate branch that they call racpc)
One person at the branch told me that SBI would charge me ~1800Rs for life insurance to cover my home loan, and I told him that I was fine with it, he then made me sign at around 100+ places (mostly related to builder buyer agreements etc).
Almost 2 months after this, another loan of 1.5lakhs is opened and linked to my savings account, this loan is for life insurance.
The loan is opened and I am charged without intimation/consent.
The SBI branch is not ready to cancel this insurance and asking me to pay 1.5 laksh, is there anything that I can do?
Few points I would like to cover:
NO, buying insurance is not mandatory while taking home loan. However, it is next to impossible to get HL from SBI without taking HL insurance.
There is also a trick using which one can minimize the insurance amount > take the cheapest variant of rinn riksha insurance from SBI Life Insurance and present it in your HL application, they will agree (tried and tested) and take your HL application forward with it.
Now, coming to the point (issue):
You like most of us have signed all papers without doing the proof reading. THIS is a serious big problem with HL applicants. I always recommend to take the application home, read it thoroughly and complete signatures next appointment day (this is your right and no one can stop you with this).
Since, you have signed the papers, there is no forceful way to get your money back.
However, if this is under 15-30 days, SBI life insurance could be returned (look below):

This in fact is an option for every/any life insurance policy in India.
However, if you crossed this timeline then I am afraid there is no possible way to get your money back.