There are customer who got 2nd Airtel card as pre-approved only. So that's why I told you that I need 2nd airtel card. I didn't convert my Flipkart card to Ltf. It's already LTF. You can do a good amount of transaction and request retention team to convert it. Because there are customers who got it converted to lifetime. It's based on customer profile only. And co-branded& cashback cards are highly unlikely to convert to LTF especially ace, airtel. B ut for Flipkart chances are there. It's upto ur negotiation skill . Just make some due and call customer care then they will transfer your call to the retention team and tell them the solid reason why you want to close.
*Like annual fee waiver criteria is too high, Flipkart brutal devaluation among customers, and tell u don't have a spend of 3 lakh every year to wave of the annual fee criteria as it is mainly designed for shopping purpose.
* Just compare the negative side of Flipkart card with some other card like airtel . Like for Airtel we have transaction for utilities in each and every month which is a mandatory service for every individual.
*But for Flipkart we do not have much spend every month/year to earn a cashback which coverup the annual fee. So it's difficult to hold paid Flipkart which is not beneficial for me like that.
U can add more to substantiate ur claim 🤣🤣🤣. Just negotiate.
Note: I informed you to make some due in card before threatening them to close the card . Because if u asked them to close , retention team will immediately close it. So just for a safety I told you to keep some due. Negotiate them to make it ltf. Just try