The following steps work in most of
the cases and myself had trick 3
below work for me
Try with Vintage (age of card) more
than 6 months only.
Courtesy: A fellow CC Enthusiast (friend)
1. SBI low end cards - raise a closure request via app/call. Call is preferable, ask them to transfer to retention team. (don't allow them to close without transferring call to retention team) Key is to bargain with them and not abrupt cancelling of the card.
Otherwise also Retention team will call u to ask for reason of closure. They will offer fee reversal. Bargain them for LTF which they will normally agree to. Ask them for PCT/reference ID and get confirmation of LTF over mail
2. For mid range cards, try step 1. If it doesn't work, do some good spends in 2-3 months, pay all the dues in time and repeat step1.
3. Premium/ultra premium category -
try to get maximum limit
enhancement on your existing card by
submitting salary slips/ITR (ask me for
email address if required).
Now shift all spends on the card for
atleast 5-6 months, achieve some
milestones(if any) and repay all dues
in time.
Now try step 1 now. Try ur luck and
inform me of outcome.
The attached pic below is shared by the same person.
He has converted his SBI aurum card to LTF using the same trick.