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Has anyone tried - AU Swipe Up Program ?

Have never dealt with a more aggressive/arrogant customer care than AU Bank. They talk as if I am a kid who is applying for a card for the first time with words like 'the fees and application process is complicated you wont understand' etc. And they barely let the customer speak and keep talking over aggressively.

Though I applied through swipe up program, I have been told that "sir you have not applied through swipe up you are mistaken" etc. Then on call they say ok we will cancel the application and it will take 45 days for CIBIL enquiry to be removed. I ask them to confirm over mail and they mail saying since I applied through OTP I cannot cancel the application or remove the CREDIT enquiry.

Absolutely pathetic experience and thankfully this happened before I got any card from AU bank. Will stay far away from them.

Any top level contact email at AU bank to cancel my card application and to remove their CIBIL enquiry?
I applied and done video kyc , and not showing video KYC not completed it been more that 2 days.
What to do there is no option to complete video kyc again.
You might receive call from their team to complete video kyc. Tell them it's done and I guess they will mark as such. I received call to complete vkyc even when it was already done.
Tried with Regalia and offered Zenith LTF. I went ahead done kyc. Let me see what they send. If it's not LTF, I won't activate at all
I also got Zenith LTF option with Indusind Legend. Although it doesn't show any credit limit. But waiting for an update on application approval. Already done with vkyc
I applied with swipe up but i can only see zenith, LIT, vetta with its fees. No xcite card at all. I tried my SC ultimate card for the application
You will now be bombarded with calls from AU sales (who only speak Hindi) and make you feel hurried immediately finish application I will give my bank employee ID put it and submit it right away blah blah blah..... fees and all dont worry if you have applied through swipeup then it is LTF but on screen it will show but ignore that now submit application.

Later they will say you have not applied through swipeup.

For onboarding customers if the customer service is so rude/aggressive, I wonder how are their loan default/recovery department people will behave.
Video KYC process was like a hell. Tried 1st time, with waiting time of 25+ minutes and at last dropped out. 2nd time I'd to wait for 35+ minutes before starting VKYC. Worst ever. Other banks' KYCs were done within 5-7 min.
Its confusing now what to app;y. Zenith is technically higher than xcite series but zenith seems very less rewarding against them. They need to upgrade the features of Zenith.
Its confusing now what to app;y. Zenith is technically higher than xcite series but zenith seems very less rewarding against them. They need to upgrade the features of Zenith.
depends on why you want an AU CC, like i got it purely for the bank discount offers. So a LTF suits my needs the best. would hardly use it since i already have magnus, sbi vistara and amex mrcc to cover for most of my spends
got a msg from AU Bank--> xcite ultra only offer, get 2000 additional points when doing a txn for insurance or nps payments(specific MCC codes)! valid for 2 txns and valid till 28th feb. tnc states that this offer is only for the customers who receive the communication from the bank for the same! no minimum payment requirement as far as i can see!