TF Select
I applied for yes marquee recently and it was delivered last week. I took it mainly for guest lounge access, but I didn’t check the latest news that the lounge access has been restricted by spends.
Moreover the tncs of the card are really shady, no where in the terms and conditions I see the rule of 35000 inr spends and the marquee website mentions unlikited lounges on top and 6 per quarter on bottom. This mis-selling is a real turnoff and is discouraging me to spend anything for the lounge access and to even activate the card.
Moreover the tncs of the card are really shady, no where in the terms and conditions I see the rule of 35000 inr spends and the marquee website mentions unlikited lounges on top and 6 per quarter on bottom. This mis-selling is a real turnoff and is discouraging me to spend anything for the lounge access and to even activate the card.