Lol, precisely the kind of things better to be away from xD
It's not about fragile dude. I'm okay going forward with this, the problem really is that all identity is going to them. Most banks/financial institutions think about it what they ask for verification on call is your address/dob/pan at max. All they would have already. That's what struck me as more concerning. If sharing were possible to them on email, I'd have been okay with that. But sending such things over whatsapp it's just a forward game that they have to play - for doing any identity theft tomorrow. That's what is extremely shady. It's not about the agent persay. When things are sent on email, they are properly recorded by their employers as well and hence scrutiny automatically increases, no employer can record whatsapp chats.
If a legal complaint by the bank does happen against this executive tomorrow after the RBI complaints above, an automatic step could be to check for other chats on whatsapp etc - and hence I might also be exposed indirectly even though not gotten any card so far. That's 2x negative lol, no card as well as unnecessary got pulled into her complaint mess. xD