If you are using a credit card, you should Know about these RBI guidelines (effective from 1st July, 2022)
1. Card issuers shall report a credit card account as 'past due' to credit information companies (CICs) or levy penal charges, viz. late payment charges and other related charges, if any, only when a credit card account remains 'past due' for more than three days.
That means, You will get 3 days extra time after due date for paying your credit card bill. ie.- your card due date - 27th January Bank can't levy late payment/interest charges/report late payment to credit bureaus if you make payment by 30th Jan.
2. Penal interest, late payment charges and other related charges shall be levied only on the outstanding amount after the due date and not on the total amount.
ie.- Your credit card total bill amount - 50,000/- Due date- 27th jan.
Assume, you have paid 20,000/- before 30th jan.
After 30th jan, your card issuer bank can only charge you late payment fees/ interest only on remaining 30,000/-
3. Changes in charges shall be made only with prospective effect giving prior notice of at least 1 month. If a cardholder desires to surrender his/her card, he/she shall be permitted to do so without levying any extra charge for such closure, Subject to payment of all dues by the cardholder.
4. There shall not be any hidden charges while issuing credit cards free of charge.
1. Card issuers shall report a credit card account as 'past due' to credit information companies (CICs) or levy penal charges, viz. late payment charges and other related charges, if any, only when a credit card account remains 'past due' for more than three days.
That means, You will get 3 days extra time after due date for paying your credit card bill. ie.- your card due date - 27th January Bank can't levy late payment/interest charges/report late payment to credit bureaus if you make payment by 30th Jan.
2. Penal interest, late payment charges and other related charges shall be levied only on the outstanding amount after the due date and not on the total amount.
ie.- Your credit card total bill amount - 50,000/- Due date- 27th jan.
Assume, you have paid 20,000/- before 30th jan.
After 30th jan, your card issuer bank can only charge you late payment fees/ interest only on remaining 30,000/-
3. Changes in charges shall be made only with prospective effect giving prior notice of at least 1 month. If a cardholder desires to surrender his/her card, he/she shall be permitted to do so without levying any extra charge for such closure, Subject to payment of all dues by the cardholder.
4. There shall not be any hidden charges while issuing credit cards free of charge.