Yes, Banks can but they need proper documentation and approvals for that and it also gets recorded in audit log as backdated transactions. A system audit will reveal such transactions. Remember my Canara bank RBIO case? In that case bank created back dated FDs for me. It was to correct an error and would be properly documented and with proper approvals.Two contravening statements. You strongly believe it is not allowed. But later, accepted, everything can be done from back-end, so backend team is not a part of their organisational structure?
I am not talking that we have access to do so. But bank can, that's doesn't mean who is passing enteries, that's their internal course of operation.
What I was referring to is overriding everything in the backend and making a direct entry in the DB (even overriding/deleting audit logs). This may not be caught if done properly by an expert but is illegal - means jail time if caught.