Hello Everyone!
Yes you read that right, you can get free Annual Eazydiner Prime membership over any Eazydiner account for FREE.
So ideally every Axis HNI card like Reserve, Magnus, VI, Burgundy comes with a free ED Prime membership mapped on the registered contact number of the card holder which gets renewed every year when you renew your card.
But there is a Loophole in the verification system here.
Steps for activation:-
1. Call at 7669004444 (Exclusive helpline number for Axis HNI customers) from any number registered at eazydiner on which you want to get the membership activated.
2. Tell them(Pretend even if you don't) that you hold Axis Magnus/ VI/ Reserve/ Burgundy card and you are eligible for complimentary annual Prime membership which is not linked to my account.
3. They will ask you to them the first 6 digits of your card number.
4. The first 6 digits are the same generally for any variant of card like for
Axis Magnus :- 451460
Axis Vistara Infinite :- 430834
5. They will then either straight away activate Annual Prime Membership on your account or shall ask you to wait to receive a call back from their concerned department. In case you get a call back they shall again ask first 6 digits of the card that you are holding and then shall activate the membership.
6. They might also ask when did you get your card, for which you may answer any date as it is just for the purpose that they shall start the membership from that date.
I have successfully got the membership activated twice without any trouble.
Getting a prime membership is also helpful in case you are actually holding multiple Axis HNI cards and want to visit a restaurant that has discount offers only for Prime.
As in my case I am holding Axis Magnus and Vistara Infinite both registered on same contact number but as per Axis ED team I am allowed to get Annual Prime benefits and 50% off birthday voucher only for 1 card.
So I used this method to register another ED account and get ED Prime membership as well as use another 50% off birthday voucher from my another card.
Also the auto generation of 50% birthday voucher in your ED account would depend upon the date of birth submitted at the time of creation of ED account.
You shall also receive 2000 Eazypoints in your account upon activation of ED Prime membership which can be redeemed for 2 x Rs. 200 Meal vouchers and many more.
PS:- I had clear intentions exploring this which also led to discover a loophole in the system.😉
Happy Dining!
DISCLAIMER:- I am sharing this trick for the very First Time Exclusively here on this private group among you all.
I would appreciate if you use this responsibly only for yourself and your friends and family without publishing it over any other page/platform which may lead the Axis/ED team to fix it for all.