There may be some upside to this approach but there are many downsides too. Be careful about that.
This is a discussion forum and it is normal for a discussions to deviate from the main topic for some time and then come back to it. This is a natural flow of communication in any group which makes it engaging and fun. If you try to take it away it will become robotic and boring. I don't think anyone would want to be here and respond like a customer service executive.
I guess by improving the quality you mean making it easier for new people to find the relevant information. I suggest to find other ways to do it instead of stopping people from doing what they are here for (discussion).
I think there is a confusion here between quality and structure of the content. It is not necessary that a better structured content is better in quality.
Take Reddit for example it is too bloated yet too useful. A Reddit post is much better regarding informative value than a neat and clean article about the same topic.
---- Here are few suggestions ---
- Make a upvote system and add filter for that, so posts with better answer can be shown on the top.
- Color code the answers. For example allowing the OP to choose multiple answers as good answer and make them different color so they are easier to find.
- Copy some important answers form a thread and make it an article or pin it as the first answer.